



1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Add Timesheet Entry:

2. By default, you will be taken to the current date. If you need to choose a different date, update the Day field:

3. Select a Job (optional):

4. Select an Activity Code:

5. Enter Notes (optional):

6. Enter a Start Time and End Time or Total Hours:

You don’t need to enter Total Hours if you have entered a Start Time and End Time and vice versa

7. If you worked a night shift that ended the next day, tick End Time Following Day:

8. Enter Unpaid Minutes (optional):

9. Select a Row or enter Units (optional):

10. Click Add



This will clock you in:

2. To take an unpaid break e.g. Lunch, tap UNPAID BREAK:

To clock out for the day, skip to step 4

3. To clock back in after taking an unpaid break, tap FINISH BREAK:

4. To clock out for the day, tap STOP TIMER:

5. Tap OK:

6. Select a Job (optional):

7. Select an Activity:

8. Enter Units and/or Notes (optional):

9. Tap Save:

In retrospect

1. Tap the plus icon:

2. Tap the clock icon:

3. The current date will be displayed by default. To select a different date, tap on the date field:

4. Select a Job (optional):

5. Select an Activity:

6. Add a Start and End time:

7. Add Unpaid time (optional):

8. If you worked a night shift that ended the next day, tap End time next day:

To add the total hours worked instead, tap Duration and choose the appropriate number of hours worked

9. Add Units (optional):

10. Add Notes (optional):

11. Tap Save


Enter time for multiple employees for the same date

1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Bulk Timesheet Entry:

2. Select a Date:

3. Select a Job (optional):

4. Select an Activity:

5. Select a Row (optional):

6. Enter Units (optional):

7. Enter a Start Time and End Time or Total Hours:

You don’t need to enter Total Hours if you have entered a Start Time and End Time and vice versa

8. Enter Unpaid Mins (optional):

9. Enter Notes (optional):

10. Click one of the following icons:

Plus icon

a. Click the icon to create one timesheet:

Double plus icon

a. Click the icon:

b. Enter the number of timesheets that you want to create:

c. Click Submit

Team icon

a. Click the icon:

b. Select a team or all employees to create timesheets for:

c. Click Load

11. Update timesheet details on an individual basis if required:

12. Click the double arrow icon to submit the timesheets:

Enter time for one employee for multiple dates

1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Bulk Timesheet Entry:

2. Select a Team Member:

3. Clear the Date:

4. Select a Job (optional):

5. Select an Activity:

6. Select a Row (optional):

7. Enter Units (optional):

8. Enter a Start Time and End Time or Total Hours:

You don’t need to enter Total Hours if you have entered a Start Time and End Time and vice versa

9. Enter Unpaid Mins (optional):

10. Enter Notes (optional):

11. Click the double plus icon:

12. Enter the number of timesheets that you want to create:

13. Click Submit

14. Enter the date for each timesheet:

15. Click the double arrow icon to submit the timesheets:


1. Hover on My Timesheet > Click Universal Timesheet Import:

2. Upload a file which contains the exported timesheet data from any system e.g. Hectre

The file must contain the following information for each timesheet:
– Employee code
– Date
– Hours (start and end time OR total hours)
– Job
– Activity code

3. Click Next:

4. Map each field to where it needs to go in AgriSmart:

5. Save the mapping as a template so you don’t need to map the fields each time (optional):

6. Click Save & Continue

7. Review the timesheets then click the checkbox:

8. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save

9. Click Timesheet Import Main to view how many timesheets were uploaded:


1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Field Timesheets:

If using this feature offline, ensure you load the Field Timesheets screen prior to going offline

2. Click Time:

3. Select a Job and Activity:

4. Enter a Unit Rate (optional):

5. The current date will be displayed by default. To select a different date, click on the Date field:

6. Select a Team > click Load:

7. Enter the Start Time, End Time and Unpaid Minutes:

Unpaid time is optional to add

8. Click each arrow that has data above it:

9. To add a note for an employee, click the paper icon:

This can also be done in bulk via Bulk Timesheet Editor

10. To add units, click Add Units. If there are no units to add, skip to step 12:

11. Enter the units then click the arrow:

12. Click Submit

13. Click Send All:

Multiple activity timesheets

1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Multiple Activity Timesheets:

If using this feature offline, ensure you load the Multiple Activity Timesheets screen prior to going offline

2. Click Time:

3. Select a Job, Date and Team, then click Load:

4. Enter the Start Time, End Time and Unpaid Minutes:

Unpaid time is optional to add

5. Click each arrow that has data above it:

6. To add a note for an employee, click the paper icon:

This can also be done in bulk via Bulk Timesheet Editor

7. Click Add Units:

8. Select an Activity, enter the Unit Rate (optional) and Units, then click the plus icon:

9. Select another Activity, enter the Unit Rate (optional) and Units, then click the plus icon:

Your screen should look similar to the below:

10. Click Submit

11. Click Send All:




1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Add Timesheet Entry:

2. By default, you will be taken to the current date. If you need to choose a different date, update the Day field:

3. Click the pencil icon in line with the timesheet that you want to edit:

4. Make the changes then click Save:


1. Tap Timesheets:

2. By default, you will be taken to the current date. If you need to choose a different date, tap the calendar bar:

3. Tap the timesheet you wish to edit:

4. Make the changes then tap Update:


The following timesheet components can be edited in bulk:
– Job
– Activity
– Start time
– End time
– Total hours
– Unpaid minutes
– End time following day
– Locked/Unlocked
– Row
– Units
– Hourly rate
– Unit rate
– Bonus method
– Daily bonus threshold units
– Bonus rate
– Bonus amount
– Checked and approved
– Flagged
– Notes

1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Bulk Timesheet Editor:

2. Update the filters > click GO:

3. Make the changes:

4. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save




1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Add Timesheet Entry:

2. By default, you will be taken to the current date. If you need to choose a different date, update the Day field:

3. Click the cross icon in line with the timesheet that you want to delete:

4. Click OK


1. Tap Timesheets:

2. By default, you will be taken to the current date. If you need to choose a different date, tap the calendar bar:

3. Tap the timesheet you wish to delete:

4. Tap Delete:

5. Tap Yes


1. Hover on My Timesheet > click Bulk Timesheet Editor:

2. Update the filters > click GO:

3. To delete multiple timesheets, scroll to the far right-hand side and click the cross icon next to each one that you want to remove:

To delete all timesheets, click the cross icon in the yellow box

4. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save

Updated on 02/08/2024

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