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Timesheet bonuses

Set up a default bonus method

1. Click Setup:

2. Scroll down to the Timesheet Bonuses section or ctrl F Timesheet Bonuses:

3. Select a default bonus method by clicking the applicable radio button:

For more information on each bonus, refer to the Bonus explanations, examples & how-to section below

4. Click Save

Although only one method has been selected, any method can be used on the fly. The method is changed on an individual or bulk basis through the Bulk Timesheet Editor.

Daily Bonus


Under this method, an employee who picks more than a certain number of units per hour is entitled to a bonus.


For every bucket picked over the hourly threshold of 2.25, an employee is entitled to a $5 bonus.

If an employee worked for 8 hours and picked 20 buckets, they exceeded the threshold by 2 buckets (20 – (2.25 x 8) = 2). Therefore, the employee will receive a bonus of $10 (2 x $5).


1. Ensure a specific activity code has been set up. For help on this, follow the steps below:

a. Hover on Jobs > Job/Activity Codes > click Add Job/Activity Code:

b. Enter a Code and Description:

c. Enter a GL code (optional):

d. Enter the Daily hourly bonus threshold (optional):

If the threshold varies on a day-to-day basis, leave this blank

e. Enter the Bonus rate per unit (optional):

If the rate varies on a day-to-day basis, leave this blank

f. Click Save

2. Add a timesheet(s) using the applicable code e.g. PICK 5.00 and enter the number of units e.g. 20

3. Check/edit the timesheet data via Bulk Timesheet Editor. Referring to the example above, the timesheet should look similar to the below:

This will produce pay data similar to the below:

Simple Bonus


Under this method, an employee receives a bonus for each unit they pick.


If the bonus rate is $1.85, an employee who picks 80 units would be entitled to a bonus of $148 ($1.85 x 80).


1. Add a timesheet(s) and enter the number of units e.g. 80

2. Check/edit the timesheet data via Bulk Timesheet Editor. Referring to the example above, the timesheet should look similar to the below:

This will produce pay data similar to the below:

Amount Bonus


Under this method, an employee will receive a fixed bonus amount that doesn’t require any units.


An employee receives $100 bonus which can be added straight to their timesheet.


1. Add a timesheet(s)

2. Check/edit the timesheet data via Bulk Timesheet Editor. Referring to the example above, the timesheet should look similar to the below:

This will produce pay data similar to the below:

Incentive Bonus (Daily)


Under this method, an employee will receive a bonus if the bonus rate multiplied by the units picked exceed what they would have earned if they were paid their hourly rate multiplied by the hours worked. This is calculated on a daily basis.


An employee works for 6 hours and picks 80 units at a bonus rate of $1.85 per unit. If the employee’s hourly rate is $23, they would be entitled to a bonus of $10. This bonus is calculated by subtracting the employee’s hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours worked from the bonus rate multiplied by the number of units picked:

Bonus = (80 units x $1.85 per unit) – ($23 per hour x 6 hours) = $148 – $138 = $10.


1. Add a timesheet(s) and enter the number of units e.g. 80

2. Check/edit the timesheet data via Bulk Timesheet Editor. Referring to the example above, the timesheet should look similar to the below:

This will produce pay data similar to the below:

Incentive Bonus (Averaged)


Under this method, an employee will receive a bonus if the bonus rate multiplied by the units picked exceed what they would have earned if they were paid their hourly rate multiplied by the hours worked. This is calculated on a per period basis.


An employee works 6 hours on one day in the pay period and picks 80 units at a bonus rate of $1.85 per unit. If the employee’s hourly rate is $23, they would be entitled to a bonus of $10. This bonus is calculated by subtracting the employee’s hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours worked from the bonus rate multiplied by the number of units picked:

Bonus = (80 units x $1.85 per unit) – ($23 per hour x 6 hours) = $148 – $138 = $10.

The employee works 6 hours on the next day in the pay period but this time they only pick 73 units at $1.85. If the employee’s hourly rate is $23, they would be not be entitled to a bonus, as their number of hours worked multiplied by their hourly rate is more than the number of units picked multiplied by the bonus rate:

Bonus = (73 units x $1.85 per unit) – ($23 per hour x 6 hours) = $135.05 – $138 = -$2.95.

Bonus = ($10 bonus on day one) + (-$2.95 bonus on day 2) = $7.05.

In the event that the total of all bonuses for the pay period is negative, the amount will not be subtracted from their pay


1. Add the timesheets and enter the number of units e.g. 80 on day one and 73 on day two

2. Check/edit the timesheet data via Bulk Timesheet Editor. Referring to the example above, the timesheets should look similar to the below:

This will produce pay data similar to the below:

Updated on 02/08/2024

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