Time bank

Bank hours

In this scenario, an employee gets paid for 40 hours per week. Any additional hours worked beyond this threshold are banked and can be used as paid time off at a later date.

1. Enter the timesheets for the pay period as normal

2. Referring to the screenshot below, the employee’s current Paid Time is 48 hours:

In order to decrease their Paid Time to 40 hours, 8 hours need to be banked. To do this, create a new timesheet using your preferred method. In the timesheet, select the TB activity code and enter -8 hours:

If the TB activity code is not available, please contact us

3. Click Add

Paid Time has reduced by 8 hours:

Take hours

1. Create a new timesheet using your preferred method. In the timesheet, select the TB activity code and enter the number of hours the employee wishes to take:

2. Click Add


1. Hover on Reports > click Time Bank Report:

2. Adjust the filters if applicable

3. View the results:

Updated on 02/08/2024

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