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Support Services on Offer

As a part of joining the AgriSmart family you will have access to our excellent support team and the services on offer. Experienced in their roles with years of industry experience, it would be a hard task to find a more friendly and onto it support team.

Our support team offers a large array of support services. The below are but a few broad areas in which they cover.

  • Setup – Our support team will be your main port of call when it comes to setting up your business on our system. Our team will communicate with you to receive the appropriate information for the setup process. They will then complete this for you, no additional requirements from your end.
  • Training – Making sure you are well trained in the functionality of our system is important to us. Therefore once the setup stage is complete our support team will contact you to arrange your complimentary training session.
  • Ongoing support – Wait! That isn’t the end of it. After the training sessions you are not left in the dark. Our support team provide ongoing support for you. If you require assistance at any point, simply contact the team through the contact method below and they will be happy to assist you.

Support Team Availability

Our support team is available Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Support Team Contact Method

Please utilise the “Submit a Ticket” form located under the FAQ section and/or each category within the Help Centre.

Updated on 02/08/2024

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