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  3. Seasonal Worker Superannuation Administration Service (SWSAS)

Seasonal Worker Superannuation Administration Service (SWSAS)

This service enables RSE workers to send money back home

Category setup

1. Hover on Setup > click Team Manager

2. Click on an employee

3. Click Payroll:

4. Scroll down to Other Deductions

5. Click the cog icon:

6. Click Add Category

7. Enter the Category name e.g. SWSAS NPF Voluntary Cont by $

8. Tick Enabled

9. Tick Deduction

10. Enter an Export code (optional)

11. Click Save:

12. Repeat for SWSAS NPF Voluntary Cont by %

Deduction setup

Individual basis

1. Hover on Setup > click Team Manager

2. Click on the applicable employee:

3. Click Payroll:

4. Scroll down to Other Deductions

5. Click the plus icon:

6. Enter the following details:

  • Deduction Type:
    • Select Amount per pay period if the contribution is a fixed amount per pay period
    • Select Percent per pay period if the contribution is a percentage per pay period
  • Amount per pay period/percent per pay period – enter the amount/percentage
  • Category – select one of the two SWSAS categories that were previously set up
  • Start Date – select when the deduction is effective from

This date needs to fall in the pay period the deduction is effective from, not the first pay date of the deduction

7. Click Save:

Bulk basis

1. Hover on Setup > Imports > click Deductions

2. Click Download template

3. Open the template and fill out the applicable fields (example below):

4. Save the template > go back to AgriSmart > click Choose file

5. Select the file > Open

6. Click Next

7. Review the information

8. Tick the check box to select all employees:

9. Click Save

Information setup

Individual basis

1. Hover on Setup > click Team Manager

2. Click on the applicable employee

3. Click Preferences:

4. Scroll down to SWSAS Deductions

5. Enter the details relevant to the employee:

  • NPF number: the employee’s superannuation membership number with their home country Nation Provident Fund (NPF)
  • Country code: the employee’s home country
  • Transaction type:
Name% or fixedUsed for
NPF voluntary contributionBothPayday deductions to contribute to the employee’s home country superannuation account
Regular remittanceBothPayday deductions for remitting money back to the employee’s home country bank account
RemittanceFixed onlyBulk remittance of money back to the employee’s home country bank account. This is normally their holiday pay or the savings that they have accumulated in a local bank account whilst employed on seasonal work
Mobile wallet  BothPayday deductions for remitting money back to the employee’s home country mobile phone wallet
Loan repaymentBothPayday deductions for repaying loans advanced to the employee by their home country NPF
Merchant accountFixed onlyPayday deductions for remitting money back to the employee’s home country builder merchant account
  • Category: select one of the categories that was previously set up

6. Click Save

Bulk basis

1. Hover on Setup > Team Manager > Bulk Team Manager > click on Preferences

2. Update the filters > click GO

3. Update the Country code, SWSAS transaction type & SWSAS category:

4. Click each arrow to push the selection down to each employee:

5. Enter each employee’s NPF number (this needs to be done on an individual basis since each number is unique to the employee):

6. Select all or some employees by clicking the relevant checkbox:

7. Click Save

Payment schedule

1. Once the pay run has been completed for the period, hover on Payroll > click SWSAS deductions report

2. Select the pay date > GO:

3. Review the information

4. Click Export

5. Upload the payment schedule to the SWSAS portal

This schedule is not a payment file. To make a payment, please do so manually through online banking.

Updated on 02/08/2024

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