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  3. Run a manual pay

Run a manual pay

Missed timesheets

1. Unlock and add/amend the applicable timesheet(s) via My Timesheet or Bulk Timesheet Editor

2. Hover on Payroll > Payslips > then click Manual Pay

3. Select the Team Member:

4. Select the Pay Period that the missing/amended timesheet(s) relates to:

This must be a pay period that has been previously processed for the employee

5. Select the Pay Date:

6. Ensure Missed Timesheets is the Type:

7. Check the table has a tick in line with the new/amended timesheet(s):

8. Click the calculator icon to calculate the Payment Amount:

Do not overwrite the dollar amount

9. Add a Payment Description. This is what will be displayed on the payslip:

10. Add Admin Notes (optional)

11. Click Save

You will be notified that the manual pay has saved

Do not click Create Payslip

12. Repeat the above process if you have multiple manual pays to run

13. Hover on Payroll and click Payroll Wizard:

14. Select a Location (optional), Pay date (per step 5) and Identifier (optional):

15. Select a Pay period (per step 4):

16. Click Next

The manual pay will show in blue:

17. Click Next

The amount per step 8 will show in the Gross Pay column:

18. Click Next

19. Review the payslip > Next:

The Pay Period Amount and Gross Pay columns are highlighted in blue to signify that the total earnings for the period (Pay Period Amount) don’t match the earnings in this payslip (Gross Pay). As this is a manual pay, this is correct and the highlighting can be ignored

20. Review the payment table, then click Done:

Ensure you make the payment to the employee(s) as AgriSmart does not do this

21. To pay your employee(s), either download the Bank File or pay manually using the amount(s) per the Payment column:

22. Print or email the payslip(s) by clicking the applicable button:

11. Click File with IRD to submit your payday filing:

For help on this, click here

Extra payment

1. Hover on Payroll > Payslips > then click Manual Pay

2. Select the Team Member:

3. Select the Pay Period that the extra payment relates to:

This must be a pay period that has been previously processed for the employee

4. Select the Pay Date:

5. Change the Type to Discretionary or Non-Discretionary:

Discretionary: Given at the sole discretion of the employer e.g. Christmas bonus
Non-Discretionary: Contractually obligated to pay e.g. Backpay

6. Enter the gross amount into the Payment Amount field (ignore the calculator icon):

7. Select a Category:

8. Select a Frequency:

Weekly to monthly: Regular extra payment e.g. monthly bonus
All periods other than: Irregular extra payment e.g. backpay

9. Add a Payment Description. This is what will be displayed on the payslip:

10. Add Admin Notes (optional)

11. Click Save

You will be notified that the manual pay has saved

Do not click Create Payslip

12. Repeat the above process if you have multiple manual pays to run

13. Hover on Payroll and click Payroll Wizard:

14. Select a Location (optional), Pay date (per step 4) and Identifier (optional):

15. Select a Pay period (per step 3):

16. Click Next

The manual pay will show in blue:

17. Click Next

The amount per step 6 will show in the Gross Pay column:

18. Click Next

19. Review the payslip > Next:

The Pay Period Amount and Gross Pay columns are highlighted in blue to signify that the total earnings for the period (Pay Period Amount) don’t match the earnings in this payslip (Gross Pay). As this is a manual pay, this is correct and the highlighting can be ignored

20. Review the payment table, then click Done:

Ensure you make the payment to the employee(s) as AgriSmart does not do this

21. To pay your employee(s), either download the Bank File or pay manually using the amount(s) per the Payment column:

22. Print or email the payslip(s) by clicking the applicable button:

11. Click File with IRD to submit your payday filing:

For help on this, click here

Updated on 02/08/2024

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