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Run a first pay

If your new employee is on a salary and starts part way through a pay period, a part pay needs to be processed for them.

1. Ensure the employee’s timesheets have been entered for the pay period

There should be no timesheets prior to their start date

2. Run a pay as normal and stop at step 2. For help on this, click here

3. Click on the information icon:

4. Click Auto-calculate unpaid leave > Save:

5. Click Next

6. The employee’s gross pay has reduced by the amount of unpaid leave:

Using the above screenshot as an example, Ron’s weekly salary is $1,576.92. He works 5 days a week which means his daily pay is $315.38 ($1,576.92 / 5 days). In this first pay period he has worked 3 days. 3 days x $315.38 daily pay = $946.15 gross. $1,576.92 salary – $946.15 gross = $630.77 unpaid.

7. Complete the pay run as normal. For help on this, click here

Updated on 02/08/2024

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