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Rehire an employee

Use this when an employee:
·       Has been previously employed by you and is now working for you again
·       Changes contract e.g. goes from casual to full time
This can be done individually or in bulk

1. Hover on Setup > Team Manager > Rehire Team Members:

2. Select the employee(s) you are rehiring by clicking the checkbox:

3. Amend the employee code and/or email address (optional):

4. Retain or set a new password by selecting the applicable option from the dropdown:

5. Change the employee type, remuneration type and/or pay frequency (optional):

6. Select a start date:

7. Amend the access level (optional):

8. By default, all personal data that was in their profile before termination will transfer over to their new profile. If this information should not be copied over to their new profile, deselect the applicable checkboxes:

9. Scroll down to the bottom and click Rehire

10. Make any further changes using bulk team manager. For help on this, click here

If you have a biodevice, the rehired employee(s) needs to be re-added to the device. For help on this, click here

Updated on 02/08/2024

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