Payday filing errors

Authentication failureThe link between IRD and AgriSmart is broken for the user submitting the information.Disconnect then reconnect your myIR account. For help on this click here.
Once reconnected, refile the pay. For help on this click here.
Missing authentication token(s)
The link between IRD and AgriSmart is broken for the user submitting the information.
Disconnect then reconnect your myIR account. For help on this click here.
Once reconnected, refile the pay. For help on this click here.
Unathorised delegationThe user who submitted the information hasn’t been delegated to submit for the business. Alternatively, the user has linked their personal myIR account to AgriSmart.1. Login to myIR
2. On the Summary tab, look for the Payroll tile
3. If you can’t see the Payroll tile, contact the business owner so they can give you access to the Payroll account
4. Once you have access, refile the pay. For help on this click here.

If you already had access to the payroll account, disconnect then reconnect your myIR account. For help on this click here.
Once reconnected, refile the pay. For help on this click here.
Invalid XMLMissing or invalid employee or employer information in the submitted file. It could be one or more of the following:
– Name
– Email address
– Phone number
– IRD number
If you have a history of successful returns, this error is likely due to the setup of a new employee incorporated in this pay run. To address this, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to the employee’s profile
2. Check their details per the Description column to the left
3. Identify and correct the error
4. Refile the return. For help on this click here

If the above doesn’t resolve the error, contact us for assistance.
A relationship between this account and employee IRD already exists A user has created an employee in AgriSmart that already exists in myIR.No action required.
The filing period is too far in the future The selected filing period is too far in advance. Contact us for assistance.
IRD fault: Contact AgriSmartAn error has occurred at the IRDs end 1. Refile the return. For help on this click here

If the above doesn’t resolve the error, contact us for assistance.
Updated on 02/08/2024

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