Payday filing

What is payday filing?

Payday filing is a mandatory system introduced in 2019 that requires employers to report PAYE (Pay As You Earn) and other payroll information to Inland Revenue within two days of paying their employees. This ensures timely and accurate reporting.

AgriSmart integrates with Inland Revenue so payday filing is automatically completed with each pay run.

Payday filing process

1. Connect to myIR: Ensure your AgriSmart account is connected to myIR. For assistance, click here.

2. Run and file payroll: Once the pay run has been completed, file it with Inland Revenue. For help with this, click here.

3. Identify errors: If the submission comes back with an error, you will need to correct it and then refile the return. For a list of each error and what they mean, click here. For help with refiling your submission, click here.


How does payday filing work in AgriSmart?

We have a direct integration with Inland Revenue to submit your returns electronically. Simply connect your account to myIR once, and your payday filing will be handled automatically each time you finalise a pay run. There’s no need to manually file anything via myIR.

Do I need to contact Inland Revenue to get set up?

No. If you already have a myIR account for your company and are registered as an employer, you do not need to contact Inland Revenue. However, if you don’t have a company myIR account or are not registered as an employer, you will need to set this up first. Both can be done online, so you don’t need to contact Inland Revenue directly. To register a myIR account, click here. To register as an employer, click here.

Does payday filing cost extra in AgriSmart?

No. Payday filing is included in your subscription cost.

What happens when ‘Send to IRD’ is clicked in Team Manager?

The employee’s information is sent to Inland Revenue, which will instantly confirm if the employee’s details, such as their IRD number, are correct. The system will notify the user if there are any errors with the employee’s details.

Previously we manually filed the IR345 (Employer Deductions Form) and the IR348 (Employee Details Form) with Inland Revenue. Do we still need to do this?

No, you no longer need to manually file the IR345 and the IR348 forms. As we have a direct integration with Inland Revenue, this allows us to submit these forms electronically and automatically when you finalise each pay run.

We used to file a KS10 (KiwiSaver opt-out request) once a month. Do we still need to do this?

No, you no longer need to manually file the KS10. Once employees complete the KS10, they will be given an opt-out date. You can then update this information in the system and click Send to IRD, which will confirm the status through the Gateway Services.

Updated on 02/08/2024

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