
You can automatically top up an employee at an hourly rate that differs from their regular rate in Team Manager.

Per unit/Wages

1. Go to the employee’s Employment Details tab in Team Manager.

2. Scroll down to Threshold hours/pay period.

3. Enter the Threshold hours/pay period. For example, if the employee is contracted to work 40 hours per week and gets paid $25 per hour, you might arrange that any hours over 40 are paid at a higher rate. Therefore, enter 40 hours.

If the employee is paid on a fortnightly basis, you would enter 80 hours as the threshold. The same logic applies for different pay frequencies.

4. Enter the Hourly rate above threshold. This is the rate that the overtime hours should be paid at. For example, $30 for every hour worked above 40 in a week.

5. Click Save.

6. The employee completes their timesheets as usual. If they work more than 40 hours in a week (e.g., 45), they will get paid an additional $25. This is calculated by determining the overtime hours, which in this example are 5 (45 hours worked less 40 hour threshold). These 5 hours are then paid at $30 per hour. However, as the employee will already receive $25 per hour for these additional 5 hours as this is their regular hourly rate, you need to calculate the difference between the hourly rate in Team Manager ($25) and their overtime rate ($30). In this example, the difference is $5. Therefore, $5 x 5 hours = $25 overtime adjustment. This adjustment is automatically applied to their payslip and shown in their remuneration report.


1. Go to the employee’s Employment Details tab in Team Manager.

2. Scroll down to Threshold hours/pay period.

3. Enter the Threshold hours/pay period. For example, if the employee is contracted to work 40 hours per week and gets paid a $1000 salary, you might arrange that any hours over 40 are paid at a higher rate. Therefore, enter 40 hours.

If the employee is paid on a fortnightly basis, you would enter 80 hours as the threshold. The same logic applies for different pay frequencies.

4. Enter the Hourly rate above threshold. This is the rate that the overtime hours should be paid at. For example, $30 for every hour worked above 40 in a week.

5. Click Save.

6. The employee completes their timesheets as usual. If they work more than 40 hours in a week (e.g., 45), they will get paid an additional $150. This is calculated by determining the overtime hours, which in this example are 5 (45 hours worked less 40 hour threshold).These 5 hours are then paid at $30 per hour. Therefore, $30 x 5 hours = $150 overtime adjustment. This adjustment is automatically applied to their payslip and shown in their remuneration report.

Updated on 02/08/2024

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