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Orchard yield per team member

This report provides a detailed analysis of each team member’s efficiency in the orchard. This report allows you to select specific date ranges and activities, order the data by various metrics, and choose whether the data is displayed in ascending or descending order. This helps in identifying the most efficient workers based on their productivity.

Generate the report

1. Hover on Reports then click Orchard yield per team member.

2. Select the date range.

3. Select the Activities.

If no activities are selected, all activities within the selected date range will pull through.

4. Select the applicable Order by and Order type options.

Ordering by Hours/Tonne in ascending order will display the most efficient workers from top to bottom. The employees with the lowest Hours/Tonne are the most productive workers, indicating they are able to produce more yield in less time.

5. Click GO.

Report display

Once the report is generated, it will display the following information:

  • Team member: The name of the employee.
  • Activity: The specific activity being analysed.
  • Bin numbers: The number of bins the employee has attended to.
  • Bin weight: Per the Default unit weight field in the activity code setup.
  • Total hours: The total hours worked by the employee for the selected activity and date range.
  • Total yield (kgs): The total kgs of yield produced by the employee (Bin numbers / Bin weight).
  • Total yield (tonnes): The total tonnes of yield produced by the employee (Bin numbers / Bin weight / 1000).
  • Hours/Tonne: The employee’s efficiency (Total hours / Total yield (tonnes)).
Updated on 02/08/2024

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