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Job codes


1. Hover on Jobs > hover on Job/Activity Codes > click Add Job/Activity Code:

2. Enter a Code and Code Description:

3. Update the Code Type to Job Code Only:

4. Click Save


1. Hover on Jobs > click Job/Activity Codes:

2. Click the edit icon:

3. Make the changes, then click Save


1. Hover on Jobs > click Job/Activity Codes:

2. Click the switch icon:

3. Click OK


1. Hover on Jobs > click Job/Activity Codes:

2. Change the Code Status to Inactive, then click GO:

3. Click the switch icon:

4. Click OK


1. Hover on Jobs > click Job/Activity Codes:

2. Click the delete icon:

3. Click OK

Only job codes that don’t have timesheets can be deleted

Updated on 02/08/2024

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