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  3. Creating a ‘Block & Row’ team timesheet (Android)

Creating a ‘Block & Row’ team timesheet (Android)

Creating timesheet

1. Once you have made it to the ‘block and row’ timesheet section of the AgriSmart app select ‘Team’:

2. Check that ‘Block & Row’ is selected:

3. Select the correct date (note it will automatically select today’s date):

4. Select the ‘Job’ and ‘Activity’:

5. Select the team(s) who will be claiming the rows:

6. Select the start and end time that is to be entered, or alternatively, a duration of time:

7. Enter in any unpaid time (for example, the team’s lunch break):

Note: If the timesheet ran past midnight this will automatically be organised across two days automatically.

Selecting rows

8. Slide the selection bar left or right to chose how many rows are to be claimed (alternatively you can tap ‘Selection’ to select rows in no specific order):

9. Select whether to ‘Load default units’ (this will assign the default units allocated to each row, whether they are actual, theoretical, or producing quantities):

10. You then have the option to add a unit rate and/or note (this unit rate will act as a default across all team members and can be adjusted on an individual level at a later stage):

Claiming rows

11. For supervisors to claim rows for each team member tap on ‘Choose staff’ and select the individual who has attended to that particular row:

12. (Optional) To duplicate any row (for when multiple individuals have worked on the same row) tap the duplicate icon at the bottom right of the row selection box:

13. (Optional) To delete the row, tap the red “Remove” icon at the top right of the row selection box:

14. (Optional) To delete the individual claiming that specific row, tap the red “X” icon to the right of that individuals name:

15. (Optional) To add additional rows that were not selected in the prior interface, simply tap “Add Rows” at the bottom of the interface:

16. (Optional) If default units are not used or units vary from default units, enter these on this interface:

Completing the timesheet

17. Click “Next”:

18. Review the information is correct (this is the last stage to make adjustments and timesheets can be edited or deleted on an individual level):

19. Click “Save”:

20. Once the app has completed uploading the team timesheets you will arrive on the timesheets section of AgriSmart, you will now be able to see the uploaded timesheets:

21. (Additional Note) If the app is not displaying all your teams timesheets you may be in the individual section. Simply click the ‘team icon’ in the top right corner and select your team:

Updated on 02/08/2024

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