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Bulk team manager

Use this feature to edit employee details in bulk


1. Hover on Setup > hover on Team Manager > click on Bulk Team Manager:

2. Click the relevant tab:

3. Refine your search using the filters:

4. Select or type the amendment(s) into the yellow box:

5. Click the arrow(s):

6. Select the checkbox for each employee that is to be amended in the Update Team Member column:

Click the checkbox in the yellow row to select all employees

7. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save

There will be a tick in the Updated column to indicate the amendment(s) saved successfully

Steps 4-6 can be done in any order

Editable fields


The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Employee code
  • Employee type
  • Remuneration type
  • Job title
  • Team
  • Primary location
  • Other locations
  • Access level

Employment details

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Tax code
  • Start date
  • Termination date
  • Employee KiwiSaver contribution
  • Employer KiwiSaver contribution
  • Pay frequency
  • SHO, SL and BR basis
  • Rostered days on
  • Rostered days off
  • Automatic work pattern frequency
  • Daily contracted hours
  • Actual hourly rate paid
  • Minimum hourly rate
  • Latest pay change


This section is split into the below subsections

  • General
  • Regular payments
  • Regular allowances
  • Regular deductions
  • Other deductions
  • Daily incentive bonuses
  • Opening balances

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Payslip option (email, print, both or none)
Regular payments

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Category
  • Description
  • Amount
  • From
  • To
  • Exclude from KiwiSaver

You can also bulk delete regular payments here

Regular allowances

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Category
  • Description
  • Amount
  • From
  • To

You can also bulk delete regular allowances here

Regular deductions

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Category
  • Description
  • Amount
  • From
  • To

You can also bulk delete regular deductions here

Other deductions

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Total amount
  • Deduction type
  • Amount per pay period
  • Percent per pay period
  • Category
  • Description
  • Bank account number
  • Bank account name
  • Reference
  • Code
  • Particulars
  • Start date

You can also bulk delete other deductions here

Daily incentive bonuses

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Activity code for automated bonuses
  • Activities applies to
  • Activities excluded

You can also bulk delete daily incentive bonuses here

Opening balances (year to date)

The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Opening balance date
  • Opening YTD payments
  • Opening YTD deductions
  • Opening YTD non-taxable allowances


The fields below are what can be edited in this tab

  • Timesheet client access
  • Timesheet default activity code
  • Timesheet default job
  • NPF number
  • Country code
  • SWSAS transaction type
  • SWSAS category
Updated on 02/08/2024

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