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  3. Allocate a bin to a timesheet

Allocate a bin to a timesheet


1. Hover on Reports and click Bin Entry Report.

2. Adjust the filters accordingly then click GO.

Referring to the Employees/Timesheet column, a cross icon represents that no timesheet has been allocated to the bin, whereas a tick icon represents that a timesheet has been allocated to the bin.

3. Click Timesheet Sync (located at the top right of screen).

4. If a timesheet has been successfully allocated to a bin, a tick icon will appear next to the employee(s) name in the Employees/Timesheet column. If there is still a cross, refer to the troubleshooting section below.

Pre-payroll check

Prior to running a pay, it’s recommended to check for any discrepancies between the bin count in the Bin Entry Report and the timesheets. Follow the steps below to conduct this check.

1. Hover on Reports and click Timesheet Report.

2. Adjust the filters accordingly then click GO.

3. Referring to the Bin Variance column, there should be a zero displaying here. If it’s any number other than zero, contact AgriSmart. In addition, refer to the Bin variance explanation below as it’s likely this is how the variance arose.


No timesheet entry

A timesheet must be created before it can be allocated to a bin.

The bin details per the Bin Entry Report are as follows:

  • Employee – Dwight
  • Job – Royal Gala
  • Activity – Harvesting
  • Date – 06/05/2024
  • Submitted time – 9:52am

This means that Dwight would also need to have a timesheet created using the same details.

When inputting the start and end time in the timesheet, it must encapsulate the submitted time of the bin. Referring to the above example, the submitted time was 9:52am. This means that Dwight’s timesheet needs to cover 9:52am, so this could be from 9am to 10am.

Timesheet sync: 5-day window


  • In the Bin Entry Report there is a Date To field which shows the end date of the report e.g. 07/05/2024.
  • If Timesheet Sync is clicked, the sync will go back 5 days, covering 03/05/2024 to 07/05/2024.
  • Any bins not synced from 02/05/2024 or earlier will remain unsynced.

To sync bins older than 5 days, adjust the Date To to a past date, e.g. 02/05/2024. This will then cover unsynced bins from 28/04/2024-02/05/2024.

Bin variance explanation

An employee (e.g. team leader) has the Bulk Timesheet Editor open while another employee (e.g. administrator) has the Bin Entry Report open.
The administrator syncs the timesheets to allocate them to the bins.
The timesheets are successfully updated with the bins at the administrator’s end.
However, as the team leader still has the Bulk Timesheet Editor open, the timesheets that they are currently being edited do not receive an automatic update from the sync.
This means that when the team leader is finished in the Bulk Timesheet Editor and saves their changes, they will overwrite the bin sync.

Updated on 02/08/2024

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