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  3. Add a pay advance

Add a pay advance

1. Get to step 3 of your pay run. For help on this, click here

2. Click the relevant row in the Pay Advance column:

3. Enter the Advance Details:

  • Advance amount – The amount advanced to the employee
  • Advance description – The details that will show on the employee’s payslip
  • Advance category – For GL purposes

4. Enter the Repayment Details:

  • Repayment start date – This defaults to the next pay period but can be changed if required
  • Repayment amount / period – The amount the employee will repay each pay period
  • Repayment description – The details that will show on the employee’s payslip
  • Repayment category – For GL purposes

5. Click Save

After closing the pop-up window, the pay advance amount will be visible

6. Complete your pay run as normal. For help on this, click here

Updated on 02/08/2024

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