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Activity code management: Apportion Row Unit explained

The Apportion Row Unit field is designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy in managing orchards and vineyards, particularly when using the block and row feature.

What is the Apportion Row Unit?

It is a field within the activity code that determines how employees are compensated based on the quantity of trees or vines they tend to during specific activities. This feature is particularly useful for activities such as pruning, where employees are paid based on the number of trees or vines they work on.

Categories of Quantities

When managing rows, quantities of trees or vines can be entered in three distinct categories:

  • Producing quantity: Total number of trees or vines that are currently producing a yield.
  • Actual quantity: Total number of trees or vines present in a row, including those that are not yet producing.
  • Theoretical quantity: Total potential number of trees or vines that could be planted in a row, identifying potential areas for increasing yield.

Using the Apportion Row Unit

For activities like pruning, businesses can choose to pay employees based on either the producing or actual quantities of trees or vines, specified in the activity code:

  • Producing quantity: (Default setting) Employees are paid based on the number of yield-producing trees or vines. The quantities per row will automatically populate in the block and row timesheets, eliminating the need for employees to manually count the trees or vines they have worked on. This automatic entry saves time and enhances accuracy.
  • Actual quantity: Employees are paid based on the total number of trees or vines in the row, regardless of whether they are producing or not.

Practical Application

When employees prune trees or vines and the producing quantity is selected in the activity code, the system automatically pulls the producing quantities per row into the block and row timesheets, eliminating the need for manual counting. Employees only need to count manually if they complete a partial row.


  • Time efficiency: Reduces the time employees spend counting trees or vines.
  • Accuracy: Minimises errors in reporting the number of trees or vines tended to.
  • Flexibility: Allows businesses to choose the most appropriate method of compensation based on their operational needs.
Updated on 02/08/2024

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